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Events America


   We specialize in:

     arrow.gif (104 bytes)Corporate Events
     arrow.gif (104 bytes)Weddings
     arrow.gif (104 bytes)Rehearsal Dinners
     arrow.gif (104 bytes)Prenuptial Dinners
     arrow.gif (104 bytes)Holiday Parties
     arrow.gif (104 bytes)Other Special Occasions


Private Parties & Catering

For event planning in Chicago, call Events America. Whether it's a meeting for dinner or just cocktails, with a single phone call, you can arrange a private or semi-private function for 15 to 400 people. Off-site catering is also now available at all downtown Chicago locations.

For more information, call Events America at 312-222-0627
or email to

Menu prices subject to change. Please contact your Events America representative for an updated banquet & catering menu.

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